Governance Policies


Document Title Date Download
BTC Trust Conflict Resolution Procedural Guidance June 2023 signed 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTC Trust Establishment Control Procedural Guidance v2 signed 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTC TRUST EXAM ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS POLICY 1st Sept 2023 31st August 2024 approved 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTC Trust Flexi time scheme procedural guidance signed 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTC Trust Governance Policy V7 Final 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTC Trust Leave Types Procedure June 2023 signed 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTC Trust Positive Handling Policy 2023 25 V2 signed 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTC Trust Positive Handling Policy 2023 25 V2 signed 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTCT Apex Trauma Informed Schools Relationship Policy signed 14th Oct 2021 Download
BTCT Capital Funding Policy signed 07th Jul 2022 Download
BTCT CCTV Policy signed 14th Oct 2021 Download
BTCT Central Fund Policy inc Template signed 07th Jul 2022 Download
BTCT Charging and remissions policy 2022 signed 15th Jun 2023 Download
BTCT Code of Conduct for Local Governing Bodies 29th Sep 2022 Download
BTCT Code of Conduct for Trustees 29th Sep 2022 Download
BTCT Complaints Procedure Sep 22 29th Sep 2022 Download
BTCT Counselling & Clinical Supervision Policy 06th Jul 2023 Download
BTCT Data Protection Policy March 2023 signed 16th May 2023 Download
BTCT Disciplinary Procedure v2 signed 18th May 2023 Download
BTCT Early Careers Teacher policy 2022 25th May 2022 Download
BTCT Education for Looked After Children in Schools Policy signed 06th Jul 2023 Download
BTCT Employer Discretions Policy July 2023 signed 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTCT Financial Regulations 2023 signed 17th Mar 2022 Download
BTCT FOI Publication Scheme March 2023 signed 16th Mar 2023 Download
BTCT GAG pooling policy signed 07th Jul 2022 Download
BTCT Governance Indction Policy 01st Feb 2022 Download
BTCT Governors Visits to School Policy signed 10th Nov 2022 Download
BTCT Growing Great Teachers policy 26th May 2022 Download
BTCT Health and Safety Policy 2022 2024 signed 01st Dec 2022 Download
BTCT Health and Safety Policy 2022 2024 signed 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTCT Homeworking Policy 08th Jul 2021 Download
BTCT Improving Individual Performance for Support Staff Signed 27th Mar 2019 Download
BTCT Investment Policy June 2022 15th Jun 2022 Download
BTCT Lone Working Policy 13th Oct 2020 Download
BTCT Managing Allegations Against Staff Sept 2022 signed 29th Sep 2022 Download
BTCT Personal and Intimate Care policy signed 07th Jul 2022 Download
BTCT Policy for Children who cannot attend School due Health Needs signed 06th Jul 2023 Download
BTCT Record Retention and Disposal Policy Mar 2023 signed 15th Jun 2023 Download
BTCT Recruitment Bonus Policy 01st Feb 2022 Download
BTCT Redundancy Redeployment Policy Jan 23 signed 02nd Feb 2023 Download
BTCT Relationships and Sex Education Policy signed 06th Jul 2023 Download
BTCT Remote Education inc. Safeguarding policy signed 09th Mar 2023 Download
BTCT Risk Management Policy 08th Jul 2021 Download
BTCT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Sept 2023 v10 signed 06th Jul 2023 Download
BTCT Safer Recruitment Policy signed 15th Jun 2022 Download
BTCT Sickness Absence Management Policy 03rd Dec 2020 Download
BTCT Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy 2023 06th Jul 2023 Download
BTCT Staff Acceptable Use Policy 02nd Nov 2023 Download
BTCT Staff Acceptable Use Policy 06th Oct 2022 Download
BTCT Staff Code of Conduct 2023 signed 06th Jul 2023 Download
BTCT Suspensions & Exclusions policy 23rd May 2024 Download
BTCT Teacher Capability Procedure v2 signed 18th May 2023 Download
BTCT Travel and Expenses Policy June 2022 signed 15th Jun 2022 Download
BTCT Trust Leader Performance Policy V1 250418 25th Apr 2018 Download
BTCT Trustee Recruitment and Diversity Policy and Recruitment Pack signed 04th May 2022 Download
BTCT Whistleblowing Policy 14th Mar 2024 Download